Monday, May 11, 2015

DeCroce Bill Establishing "Out-of-School Time" to Improve Programs Wins Committee Approval

Legislation (A-4119/S-300) sponsored by Assemblywoman BettyLou DeCroce establishing a 20-member commission to evaluate the effectiveness of before-school, after-school and summer school programs won unanimous support from the Assembly Education Committee today.
“Urban, suburban and rural settings provide different challenges to operating out-of-school programs. One size does not fit all,” said DeCroce, R-Morris, Passaic and Essex. “The committee’s wide diversity of stakeholders will provide objective and best practice recommendations that can be applied to programs across the state. The commission’s goal is to ensure our children are protected, learning and participating in physical activities.”
The commission will issue an interim report of its recommendations, including any legislation, to the governor, the Senate Education Committee, and the Assembly Education Committee, no later than one year after its first meeting.

Friday, May 8, 2015

DeCroce Bill Requiring Police at Educational Facilities to Adopt AG Guidelines Signed into Law

Legislation (A-3493) sponsored by Assemblywoman BettyLou DeCroce. R, Morris, Passaic and Essex, that requires police departments at higher education institutions to adopt the Attorney General Guidelines on internal affairs policies was signed into law by Gov. Christie on Thursday.
“This legislation extends the same standards that guide law enforcement across the state regarding internal affairs investigations to police and security departments at colleges and universities. All law enforcement officers are obligated to cooperate and assist the attorney general and prosecutors carry out their duties. The new law requires the same standards be implemented at places of higher education and ensures investigators receive the same support.”