Monday, July 27, 2015

DeCroce Bill to Prevent Gas Shortages During Emergencies Headed to Governor's Desk

Source: Assembly Republican Press Release -
The Senate approved legislation sponsored by Assembly Republican BettyLou DeCroce to prevent gas shortages during declared states of emergency. The bill, a response to a lesson learned from Super Storm Sandy, cleared the Assembly in June and is now moves to Gov. Christie’s desk to await action.

“This measure will help make more fuel available to motorists during an emergency by allowing fuel dealers to sell higher grade fuel at the lower grade price,” said DeCroce, R-Morris, Essex and Passaic. “Gasoline became scarce in some parts of the state after Super Storm Sandy. People waited for hours in line to buy gas for their vehicles and generators, and many stations ran out. In an emergency, we don’t want people stranded and left in the cold.”
Under current law, fuel must be sold at its posted price which cannot be changed more than once during a 24 hour period. DeCroce’s bill, A-1733, allows a retailer to sell higher grade fuel at a lower price during an energy emergency when the dealer runs out of lower grade fuel.