Tuesday, December 23, 2014

DeCroce Introduces Legislation to Strengthen NJ Manufacturing and Creates Jobs

Source: Assembly Republican Press Release -
Assembly Republican BettyLou DeCroce has introduced legislation to strengthen New Jersey’s manufacturing sector and create desperately needed production jobs. DeCroce’s bill, A-4002, designates a state liaison to promote NJ manufacturers and their products nationally and globally.

“We are fortunate to have many successful and innovative manufacturers in our state. We need to do everything possible to promote the high-quality products produced by New Jersey workers,” said DeCroce, R – Morris, Essex and Passaic.
DeCroce stated that manufacturing contributed more than $41 billion to the state’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2013, and accounts for 90 percent of New Jersey’s exports.
DeCroce’s legislation, in addition, calls on the Commissioner of Education, in conjunction with the Secretary of Higher Education and the Business Action Center in the Department of State, to compile a list of industry recognized credentials in the manufacturing field to assist in the development of training programs for vocational and technical schools, colleges, and the workforce development system.
“By working together, the public and private sectors can bolster manufacturing growth, creating good jobs for trained and talented New Jersey men and women,” said DeCroce. “With the state’s help, we can increase demand for products made in New Jersey. We have the employers, and we have the talented employees to meet the demand.”

Friday, December 12, 2014

DeCroce Doesn't Care What Rudy Giuliani Thinks

Source: The Star-Ledger -
Does Assemblywoman BettyLou DeCroce have a problem with Rudy Giuliani?

While discussing a bill to regulate ride sharing services like Uber at an Assembly Transportation Committee hearing today, DeCroce (R-Morris) asked Uber’s representative, Nicole Benincasa, some pointed questions about how rigorous their background checks are and why they don’t finger print drivers.
Benincasa responded that they’re very rigorous, and that they hired the consulting firm of former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani to audit them.
DeCroce didn’t like that answer.
“I don’t care what Mr. Giuliani thinks, because that’s New York. This is New Jersey,” she shot back.
The room, which included many people from the taxi and limo industry who don’t like Uber, erupted in applause.
The Auditor’s interest was piqued because back in 2007, DeCroce’s late husband, former Assembly Minority Leader Alex DeCroce, backed Giuliani’s bid for president. But Betty Lou DeCroce – at the time the clerk in Roxbury – publicly backed his rival, Mitt Romney.
Reached by phone, DeCroce said it wasn’t about Giuliani.
“She was name dropping on purpose, and I don’t care if it was a Republican or a Democrat. If a name drop is being brought in to say that’s right of New Jersey. That’s why I responded the way I did,” she said. “I felt she was trying to take a jab at me by name dropping and it wasn’t going to work.”